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Dealer spotlight: Cycle Station Albury

Cycle Station Albury holds a prominent place - right at the train station's doorsteps! We talked to Jacob Wolki (owner) about e-bikes and shop dogs...What made you want to open a bike store? And to then move into e-bikes?My family was in the record indus
try which started declining quite rapidly around 2009. We purchased Cycle Station [...]

Cycle Station Albury holds a prominent place - right at the train station's doorsteps! We talked to Jacob Wolki (owner) about e-bikes and shop dogs...

What made you want to open a bike store? And to then move into e-bikes?

My family was in the record industry which started declining quite rapidly around 2009. We purchased Cycle Station (then Pushys) in 2011 as we wanted to stay in retail.

None of us were involved in bikes before that!

Apart from riding as a kid, I wasn’t into bikes. My family are customer focused retailers & it historically hasn’t been important to us what we have been selling. Since then we have become very passionate about bikes, especially electric bikes. We love what we do & look forward to being in this industry for many more years!

We know you have a store pet - Ginny - as she's the star of your Instagram feed (@cyclestation) - can you share a photo?

Yep, we have heaps [of shop dogs]! I also breed Miniature Schnauzers (@wolkischnauzers) & 2 of my dogs come to work with me. Ginny & Clyde (stud). 

You've been a great advocate for e-bikes - what is your favourite moment on an e-bike?

I recently rode the Buller Epic with 4 other guys, all on e-bikes. We all have vastly different levels of fitness and experience but had a great time sticking with each other.

It was a huge day out on the bikes! I’ve ridden the Buller Epic on muscle bikes (acoustic bikes? meat bikes? analog bikes?) and can confirm it was more fun on an e-bike!

Another amazing e-bike moment is watching my wife put our 1 year old son in the baby seat and a dog in each pannier bag (heads sticking out) and ride into town to do the shopping!

Can you share a favourite customer story with us?

They are starting to become countless but I recently had a great one. I had a war veteran who had sustained real serious injuries on duty (spinal, etc) come in & enquire about bikes. It was a former passion of his that he could no longer do as his injuries & fitness levels were a huge barrier of entry. Within a few minutes he was screaming around the front car park on an e-bike - he has never looked back! It’s been great for his physical & mental health.

What is the most unusual / innovative / memorable uses of an e-bike you’ve heard?

My favourite use for e-bikes is setting mums up to get out with their young kids. I love hearing the reports of the freedom & fun the families experience.

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever sold a bike to?

Ian Moss - Cold Chisel’s guitarist!

What do you think of the many laws and regulations surrounding bike riders in Australia? Eg having to wear a helmet all the time; NSW new laws around bike riders having to carry ID etc

I often get myself into hot water on these topics. I’m big on free market & personal liberty. I believe individuals should have the right to govern themselves, even if they are stupid!

I’m anti compulsory helmet laws for adults. Carrying ID is a great idea but I believe it should be free will & enforced culturally rather than making it a punishable law.

What is your favourite holiday?

I’m a 3rd generation retailing immigrant - we work all public holidays! I love Christmas.

If we could make a public holiday to celebrate KFC I’d be all over that one too! Might even close the shop for the day...
